The present document establishes, in coordination with the long term strategy Angola 2025 and with the National Policy for Energy Security, a forward looking vision of the sector’s evolution, after the implementation of the Action Plan 2013-2017, currently underway.

Long term objectives

Long Term Strategy Angola 2025

The long term strategy Angola 2025 was approved in 2008, with the major strategic objective of “transforming Angola into a prosperous, modern country, without poverty… and with a growing insertion in the world and regional economy”.
The long term strategy considers the implementation of a development strategy for the energy sector which promotes investment optimization, both across time and across different energy sources, in order to meet internal consumption and exports.
The strategy establishes global strategic objectives and pillars that represent important challenges which should guide the development of the power sector, namely:

Challenges to the power sector (Angola 2025 strategy):

  1. To promote human development and the well being of Angolans
  2. To ensure a high rate of economic development
  3. To develop national territory harmoniously
  4. To promote an equitative and sustainable development
  5. To promote Angola’s competitive insertion in the World Economy



1. To promote human development and the well-being of Angolans
The strategy assumes the specific objective of providing access to electricicity to the majority of the population, as a means of promoting human development.

2. To ensure a high rhythm of economic development
To provide sufficient and reliable energy with lower operating costs to attract private participation in the national economy and in the re-industrialization of the country. The reindustrialization process, focused on priority clusters and mega clusters, is the first pillar of the country’s 2025 strategy.

3. To develop the national territory harmoniously
The power sector vision considers the efficient allocation of generation plants and transmission network in order to ensure reliability to the country’s development axis established in the long term strategy, as per the following map.

4. To promote an equitative and sustainable development
Long term strategy objectives include: an efficient and lasting use of natural resources while respecting environmental sustainability; a guaranteed use of natural resources for future generations; desertification control and regional development. The implementation of a renewable energy development policy is one of the actions to be implemented by 2015-2025, with particular emphasis on reducing the use of forest biomass for cooking in rural areas.

5. To promote Angola’s competitive insertion in the World Economy
On the external perspective, the strategy aims to achieve a competitive integration with the SADC and CEEAC regional power markets, making the best use of Angola’s privileged location and of the abundance of hydro resources.

Policy and Strategy for National Energy Security
Presidential Decree Nr. 256/11 of September 29th approved the Policy and Strategy for National Energy Security, which defines the main strategic guidelines for the energy sector, including the redefinition of the existing institutional framework.
In the long term, the policy embraces the need to transform the sector in order to respond to the major challenges associated with demand growth, along 6 axes:

Long term axes (Energy Security Policy)

  1. Generation park growth
  2. Use of renewable energies
  3. Electrification and grid expansion
  4. Tariff review and economic-financial sustainability
  5. Restructuring and strengthening of power sector operators
  6. Promotion of private capital and know-how

The recently approved National Strategy for New Renewable Energies sets the future role of renewable energies. The Transformation Program for the Electricity Sector (PTSE, Portuguese acronym) is already underway and aims to restructure and strengthen operators, including the review of the electricity tariff which is essential to the economic and financial sustainability of those operators.
This website aims to propose a comprehensive and integrated overview of the power sector development, considering the 2025 horizon, in line with the Angola 2025 country strategy, in particular as regards generation and electrification. 

Vision’s time horizon
The Action Plan for the Electricity Sector 2013-2017 establishes a set of ambitious investments, to be achieved by 2017, in line with the National Development Plan 2013-2017. The following figure shows the power sector main infrastructures foreseen to be in operation by 2017, as per the Plan of Action.
The present document is long term oriented, with the period 2018-2025 as time frame. Therefore, the infrastructures completed by 2017 constitute the point of departure for the Vision Angola Energy 2025.